Past Presentations (PDF files)
December 2024 (link to recording- expires March 3, 2025)
- Ten Tips for Effective Statistical Graphics - Rick Wicklin, SAS (GitHub repository with programs)
October 2024 (link to recording- expires January 17, 2025)
- Computer Karma: Non-Monetary Benefits of Statistical and Information Technology Volunteer Work - Brandy Sinco
- SAS Programming And Generic Techniques for Cohort Creation and Consort Diagrams - Brandy Sinco
September 2024 (link to recording- expires December 12, 2024)
June 2024
- Know Thy Data: Techniques for Data Exploration - Charu Shankar, SAS
- Bayesian Time Series in PROC MCMC - Danny Modlin, SAS (zip file includes slides and code)
- Introduction to Data Simulation - Jason Brinkley, Abt Associates Inc. (zip file includes slides and code)
- SAS HPSPLIT: A Powerful Machine Learning Tool - Russ Lavery, Independent Consultant
- NHANES Dietary Supplement Component: A Parallel Programming Project - Jay Iyengar, Data System Consultants, LLC
- Being a Statistical Expert Witness - David Corliss, Grafham Analytics
- Transforming Sales & Marketing: The Power of Generative AI - Gene Grabowski, SAS
- Binning Predictors for Logistic Regression - Bruce Lund, Independent Consultant
- Confessions of a PROC SQL Instructor - Charu Shankar, SAS
- Missing Data in PROC MCMC - Danny Modlin, SAS (zip file includes slides and code)
- An Animated Introduction to Git and GitHub - Russ Lavery, Independent Consultant
- SAS Job Searching and Interviewing Tips – Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Era - Jay Iyengar, Data System Consultants, LLC
March 2024
- SAS HPSPLIT: A Powerful Machine Learning Tool - Russ Lavery, Independent Consultant
February 2024
- Best Practices for Efficiency and Code Optimization in SAS® Programming - Jay Iyengar, Data Systems Consultants, LLC
- The Everytown Research Database: Using SAS® Analytic Procedures to Analyze Data on Mass Shootings - Jay Iyengar, Data Systems Consultants, LLC
December 2023
- Sorting a Bajillion Variables-When SORTC and SORTN Subroutines Have Stopped Satisfying, User-Defined PROC FCMP Subroutines Can Leverage the Hash Object to Reorder Limitless Arrays - Troy Martin Hughes
- Make You Holla' Tikka Masala: Creating User-Defined Informats Using the PROC FORMAT OTHER Option To Call User-Defined FCMP Functions That Facilitate Data Ingestion Data Quality - Troy Martin Hughes
September 2023
- Getting Started with Machine Learning - Melodie Rush, SAS
- Why Choose Between SAS DATA Step and PROC SQL When You Can Have Both? - Rebecca Callaway, SAS
- Using Macro Variable Lists to Create Dynamic Data-Driven Programs - Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
- What if PROC POWER Can't Help? Calculating Power Via Simulation, Example with Count Regression - Brandy Sinco, University of Michigan
- Logistic Modeling Without Split-Samples - Bruce Lund, Statistical Trainer Using SAS
- Unobserved Components Models: Applications in Post-COVID Analysis - David Corliss, Grafham Analytics
- Anything Anywhere All At Once: Output Graphs, Tables, and Text As Any Composite You Wish - LeRoy Bessler, Bessler Consulting & Research (zip file includes code, paper and slides)
- Basic Concepts of Statistical Power - Mike Oliansky, Latcha+Associates
- Handling Missing Values in SAS - Melodie Rush, SAS
- Validating User Supplied Parameter Values when Calling a Macro - Rebecca Callaway, SAS
- Creating and Customizing High-Impact Excel Workbooks from SAS with ODS EXCEL- Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
- My Graphic Inventions: You Can Do These, Too - LeRoy Bessler, Bessler Consulting & Research
- Basic Concepts of Logistic Regression - Mike Oliansky, Latcha+Associates
- SAS Viya and Access to Large Medical Databases - Ken Schmidt, SAS
August 2023
- The Analysis of Ordinal Data with Graphs and Odds Ratios - Robin High, University of Nebraska Medical Center (zip file containing slides and code)
April 2023
- If It's Not Broke, Don't Fix It: Existing Code and the Programmers' Dilemma - Jay Iyengar, Data Systems Consultants LLC
- From %Let To %Local; Methods, Use, and Scope of Macro Variables in SAS Programming - Jay Iyengar, Data Systems Consultants LLC
March 2023
February 2023
- Using SQL Dictionaries to Research the Global Symbol Table - Ron Fehd, Fragile-Free Software Institute
January 2023
- Introduction to SAS Viya - Dominique Weatherspoon, SAS
October 2022
- The SAS Data Set Characterization Utility - Michael Raithel, Westat
- Using SAS to Download Files From Amazon Web Services S3 - Michael Raithel, Westat (video and code)
- Using the SAS HPBIN Procedure to Create Format Value Ranges for Numeric Variables - Michael Raithel, Westat
- SAS Macro Program to Autopopulate a Demographics Table - Zhaohui Fan, University of Michigan (zip file containing slides and code)
June 2022
- Getting Started with Bayesian Analysis - Danny Modlin, SAS
- ODS Graphics for the Non-Statistician - Cynthia Zender, SAS (zip file containing slides and code)
- Influence Statistics in Linear Regression and SAS PROC REG - Bruce Lund, Statistical Consultant and Trainer
- Putting the Meta into the Data: Managing Data Processing for a Large Scale CDC Surveillance Project with SAS - Louise Hadden, Abt Associates Inc. (slides and paper)
- Quick, Call the FUZZ: Using Fuzzy Logic - Richann Watson, DataRich Consulting and Louise Hadden, Abt Associates Inc. (link to companion paper here)
- Missing Data in PROC MCMC - Danny Modlin, SAS
- Macro Basics for New SAS Users - Cynthia Zender, SAS (zip file containing slides and code)
- What's Your Favorite Color? Controlling the Appearance of a Graph - Richann Watson, DataRich Consulting
- Cutting Edge Regression Techniques - David Corliss, PeaceWorks
- SAS ModelOps: From Decisions to Recommendations - Gene Grabowski, SAS
- Survival Analysis in SAS - Abigail Smith, Arbor Research Collaborative for Health
- Bored-Room Buster Bingo: Create Bingo Cards Using SAS ODS Graphics - Richann Watson, DataRich Consulting and Louise Hadden, Abt Associates Inc.
- Estimates in Mixed Models - Richann Watson, DataRich Consulting
- Bayesian Generalized Linear Mixed Models - Danny Modlin, SAS
April 2022
- The Essentials of SAS Dates and Times - Derek Morgan, BMS
March 2022
- Building Web Apps on Desktop SAS - Allan Bowe (slides, SASjs server repo, docs, Sasensei)
February 2022
- How to Make a Caterpillar Plot in SAS with PROCs GLIMMIX and SGPLOT - Brandy Sinco, Michigan Medicine
January 2022
- So You Want to be an Independent Consultant - Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
November 2021
- Haste Makes Waste: Don't Ruin Your Reputation With Hasty Regression - Steven Myers, University of Akron (paper, includes links to slides and code)
October 2021
August 2021
- SAS and R and SAS - Barry DeCicco, Michigan State University (slides/code)
July 2021
- Screening, Binning, Transforming Predictors for a Generalized Logit Model - Bruce Lund, Self-Employed Statistical Consultant and Trainer
- Using SAS and Data Dictionaries to Create Data-Driven Format Library, Variable Label and Format Assignments Programmatically - Louise Hadden, Abt Associates Inc.
April 2021
March 2021
February 2021
November 2020
- If You Need These OBS and These VARS, Then Drop IF and Keep WHERE - Jay Iyengar, Data Systems Consultants LLC
- Weight of Evidence, Dummy Variables, and Degrees of Freedom - Bruce Lund, Independent Consultant (slides)
- Tips, Traps and Techniques in Base SAS for Vertically Combining SAS Datasets- Jay Iyengar, Data Systems Consultants LLC
October 2020
- Astrophysics Analysis with SAS - David Corliss, Peace-Work
June 2020
April 2020
- Why I Hate Creating Figures! (A Curmudgeon's View of SAS Graphics) - George W. Divine, Henry Ford Health System
- Automating SAS Program Execution Using the Scheduling Tool on Windows Systems - Bin Liu, Henry Ford Health System
- Time-To-Event Analysis in the Presence of Competing Risks - Xiaoting Wu, University of Michigan (slides and paper)
November 2019
- Tips, Tricks, and Traps on Longitudinal Data Analysis with Discrete and Continuous Times - Brandy Sinco, University of Michigan (slides and paper)
- Forecasting K-12 School Shootings for the 2019-2020 School Year - David Corliss, Peace-Work
- Automating the Process of Creating 500+ PDF Reports in Batch Mode, Part I - Thomas Zheng, University of Michigan
May 2019
- PROC SQL vs. DATA Step Programming - Ron Coleman, SAS
- Introduction to Machine Learning - Melodie Rush, SAS
- Bayesian Analysis: A Deep Dive Into ZIP Models - Danny Modlin, SAS
- Legislative Action on Human Trafficking: Towards a Data-Driven Policy - David Corliss, Peace-Work
- Purrfectly Fabulous Feline Functions - Louise Hadden, Abt Associates Inc.
- PROC REPORT in Cartoons: The Logic Behind the Scenes - Russ Lavery, Independent Consultant
- How SAS Can Extend Open Source - Gene Grabowski, SAS
- Screening, Transforming, and Fitting Predictors for the Cumulative Logit Model - Bruce Lund, Independent Consultant
- An Introduction to SAS Model Manager and SAS Decision Manager- Stephen Iaquaniello, SAS
- Machine Learning: In the Trenches - Brenda Gillespie and Chris Andrews, University of Michigan (Andrews slides and Gillespie slides)
- Between vs. Within Subjects Effects for Clustered and Longitudinal Data - Kathy Welch, University of Michigan (zip file includes slides and code)
- Top 10 Ways to Optimize Your SAS Code - Ron Coleman, SAS
- SAS Viya Overview - Melodie Rush, SAS
- Bayesian Analysis: A Deep Dive Into BGLIMM - Danny Modlin, SAS
- An Animated Guide: An Introduction to SAS Hashing - Russ Lavery, Independent Consultant
- Order Order! Four Ways to Reorder Your Variables, Ranked by Elegance and Efficiency - Louise Hadden, Abt Associates Inc.
March 2019
- Changes, Challenges and Communication - Jim Bademian, MMS Holdings
- Transforming Ordinal Predictors to Numeric for Binary Logistic Models - Bruce Lund, Independent Consultant
- How to Succeed in Consulting - Chuck Kincaid, Experis (slides and paper)
- Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Part Deux of Defensive Coding by Example - Nancy Brucken and Donna Levy, Syneos Health (slides and paper)
October 2018
- Using SAS for Multiple Imputation and Analysis of Longitudinal Data - Patricia Berglund, Institute for Social Research - University of Michigan (slides and paper)
- Improving Plots Using XAXISTABLE and YAXISTABLE - Jacob Keeley, Henry Ford Health System (slides and paper)
- Efficiency Programming with Macro Variable Arrays - Veronica Renauldo, QST Consultations, LTD (slides and paper)
June 2018
- The REPORT Procedure and ODS Destination for Microsoft Excel: The Smarter, Faster Way to Create First-Rate Excel Reports - Jane Eslinger, SAS
- Graph a Million With the SGPLOT Procedure - Prashant Hebbar, SAS
- Propensity Score Methods for Causal Inference with the PSMATCH Procedure - Gordon Brown, SAS
- An Introduction to SAS Visual Analytics on SAS Viya - Stephen Iaquaniello, SAS
- Merge With Caution: How to Avoid Common Problems when Combining SAS Datasets - Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
- Variable Selection in Regression Analysis using LASSO, LARS, Elastic Net, and Best Subsets - Brenda Gillespie, University of Michigan
- Genocide Modeling - Historical Risk Factors and Odds Ratios - David Corliss, Peace-Work
- Multicollinearity: What Is It and What Can We Do About It? - Deanna Naomi Schreiber-Gregory, Henry M. Jackson Foundation
- Automated DSMB Presentation in SAS: Yeah, I'd Submit That! How to Auto Populate PowerPoint Presentations So You Don't Have To - Brett Jepson and Kaitie Lawson, Rho, Inc.
- Optimizing the Analytic Lifecycle with SAS and Teradata - Rick Lower, Teradata
- Screening, Transforming, and Fitting Predictors for the Cumulative Logit Model - Bruce Lund, Magnify Analytics
- The Latest and Greatest Capabilities of the Survey Procedures in SAS - Brady T. West, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
- An Introduction to Latent Structure Analyses - Deanna Naomi Schreiber-Gregory, Henry M. Jackson Foundation
- Let the CAT Out of the Bag: String Concatenation in SAS 9 - Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
- ODS Layout and the ODS Destination for PowerPoint - Jane Eslinger, SAS
- Decorative Infographs Using SAS - Prashant Hebbar, SAS
- Analytics in the Cloud - Mandate or Option? - Rick Lower, Teradata
- SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning - Stephen Iaquaniello, SAS
- Beyond IF THEN ELSE: Techniques for Conditional Execution of SAS Code - Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
February 2018
- Why SAS Users Are Old But Not Dead - Keith Shields, Magnify Analytics
- SAS Programming Efficiency: Tips, Examples and PROC GINSIDE Optimization - Lingqun Liu, University of Michigan
- SAS High Performance Analytics Infrastructure for Processing Big Data on Hadoop - Karunesh Arora, Ford Motor Company
- Using SAS in R, With Knitr and Markdown - Barry DeCicco, EPITEC
- The Anatomy of Clinical Trials Data: A Beginner's Guide - Venky Chakravarthy, BioPharma Data Services
November 2017
- Working With Sparse Matrices in SAS - Andrew Kuligowski, HSN
- Highlights From Analytics Experience 2017 - Linda Vance, Comerica
- QUOTE the SASLOG - Andrew Kuligowski, HSN
June 2017
- New Macro Features Added in SAS 9.3 and 9.4 - Rick Langston, SAS
- I've Got to Hand It to You: Portable Programming Techniques - Art Carpenter, California Occidental Consultants
- Modeling Longitudinal Categorical Response Data - Maura Stokes, SAS
- Leave Your Bad Code Behind: 50 Ways to Make Your SAS Code Execute More Efficiently - William Benjamin, OWL Computer Consultancy, LLC (slides and paper)
- An Animated Guide: Penalized Variable Selection for Regression and Quantile Regression Techniques - Russ Lavery, Consultant
- Exploring HASH Tables vs. SORT/DATA Step vs. PROC SQL - Richann Watson, Experis (slides and paper)
- Hazards, Densities and Repeated Events for Predictive Marketing - Bruce Lund, Magnify Analytic Solutions
- Finding Out About Formats and Their Attributes - Rick Langston, SAS
- Building Intelligent Macros: Using Metadata Functions with the SAS Macro Language - Art Carpenter, California Occidental Consultants
- Exchanging Data between SAS and Excel Using Basic SAS Techniques - William Benjamin, OWL Computer Consultancy, LLC
- Lag Models with Social Response Outcomes - David Corliss, Peace-Work
- When ANY Function Will Just NOT Do - Richann Watson, Experis (slides and paper)
- An Animated Guide: Insights into Logistic Regression via Cartoons - Russ Lavery, Consultant
- Lag Modeling of the Baseball Trade Deadline - David Corliss, Peace-Work
- Don't Be a Litter Bug: Best Practices for Using Temporary Files in SAS - Rick Langston, SAS
February 2017
- Latent Class Analysis Using PROC LCA - Patricia Berglund, University of Michigan (slides and paper)
- Translating MS Access Queries to SAS PROC SQL Queries - Barry DeCicco, Nissan Tech Center of North America
- SAS Advanced Programming with Efficiency in Mind: A Real Case Study - Lingqun Liu, University of Michigan (slides and paper)
October 2016
- An Array of Possibilities: Using Arrays to Manipulate Longitudinal Complex Survey Data - Lakhpreet (Preeti) Gill, Mathematica Policy Research
- Using SAS to Create ZIP Code Maps with County Borders and City Labels - Rachel Potter, Michigan Public Health Institute
- SAS Utilization A to Z: How We're Using SAS Today and Where We May Be Headed? - Steve Weigel, Delta Dental of Michigan
June 2016
- Graphs are Easy with SAS 9.4 - Sanjay Matange, SAS
- Surviving the SAS Macro Jungle by Using Your Own Programming Toolkit - Kevin Russell, SAS
- Penalized Regression Methods for Linear Models in SAS/STAT - Dr. G. Gordon Brown, SAS
- 33 Tricks with the REPORT Procedure - Ben Cochran, The Bedford Group
- Fitting Weighted Multilevel Models to Complex Sample Survey Data in SAS: A Case Study - Dr. Brady T. West, University of Michigan
- Weight of Evidence Coded Variables for Binary and Ordinal Logistic Regression - Bruce Lund, Magnify Analytic Solutions
- Annotate Your SGPLOT Graphs - Sanjay Matange, SAS
- Using a Handful of SAS Functions to Clean Data - Ben Cochran, The Bedford Group
- Keyboard Macros - The Most Magical Tool You May Never Have Heard Of - Steven Black, Agility Clinical Inc.
- An Introduction to SAS Arrays - Andrew Kuligowski, HSN
- Meta-Analysis of Human Trafficking Studies - David Corliss and Heather M. Hill, Peace-Work
- Using SAS for the Longitudinal Analysis of Difference Scores - Brandy Sinco, University of Michigan
February 2016
- Incremental Modeling with SAS Enterprise Miner - Bruce Lund, Magnify Analytic Solutions
- SAS Studio: Getting Started and Resources - Ken Schmidt (1.1 MB zip file includes slides and instructions)
- Introduction to JMP - Anamaria Kazanis, ASKSTATS Consulting, LLC (2.3 MB zip file includes slides, new features list and sample data)
October 2015
- Defensive Coding by Example: Kick the Tires, Pump the Brakes, Check Your Blind Spots, and Merge Ahead! - Nancy Brucken and Donna Levy, inVentiv Health
- An Overview of the SAS "Analytics Shootout" Student Competition - Joseph Pomerville, Central Michigan University
- Using SAS for Longitudinal Analysis of Difference Scores - Brandy Sinco, University of Michigan
May 2015
- Applied Quantile Regression Using SAS - Yonggang Yao, SAS
- PDF vs. HTML: Can't We All Get Along - Cynthia Zender, SAS
- A Review of "Free" Massive Open Online Content for SAS Learners - Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation
- Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models Using PROC NLMIXED and PROC GLIMMIX - Jeremy Albright, Methods Consultants of Ann Arbor
- How Valued is Value Level Metadata? - Shelley Dunn, d-Wise
- Logistic Modeling with Applications to Marketing and Credit Risk in the Automotive Industry - Bruce Lund and Keith Shields, Magnify Analytic Solutions (slides and programs)
- SAS Style Templates: Always in Fashion - Cynthia Zender, SAS
- 10 Do's and Don'ts for Effective Dashboard Design Using Base SAS - Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation
- S-M-U (Set, Merge and Update) Revisited - Andrew Kuligowski, HSN
February 2015
- Multiple Imputation Using the Fully Conditional Specification Method: A Comparison of SAS, Stata, IVEware and R - Patricia Berglund, University of Michigan
- Supernova Classification Using Similarity Analysis - David Corliss, Wayne State University
- Using a Hash Object to Seed Initial Conditions - Chuck Anderson, UFA
October 2014
- Using SAS in Health Care Quality Improvement and Research - Harolyn Baker, Elizabeth Waldman, Yongmei Qin and Lili Deng, MPRO
- Selection and Transformation of Continuous Predictors for Logistic Regression (slides) - Bruce Lund, Magnify Analytic Solutions
- Does foo Pass Through? SQL Coding Methods and Examples Using SAS Software- Stephen Crosbie, Universal McCann
- How to Create a Unix Space Management Report Using SAS (slides) - Matthew Shevrin, Truven Health Analytics
May 2014
- Structural Equation Modeling Using the CALIS Procedure in SAS/Stat Software (9MB zip file includes slides, notes and program) - Yiu-Fai Yung, SAS
- The SQL Tuning Checklist: Making Slow Database Queries a Thing of the Past - Jeff Bailey, SAS
- Advanced PROC REPORT: Traffic Lighting - Controlling Cell Attributes Within Your Data - Art Carpenter, California Occidental Consultants
- Regression Trees in JMP - Kathy Welch, University of Michigan
- Competing Risks Survival Analysis with SAS - Brenda Gillespie, University of Michigan
- Table Look-Up Techniques: From the Basic to the Innovative - Art Carpenter, California Occidental Consultants
- Parsing Useful Data Out of Unusual Formats Using SAS - Andy Kuligowski, HSN
- Don't Get Blindsided by PROC COMPARE - Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting & Roger Muller, Data-to-Events
- Speed Dating With Regression Procedures - David Corliss, Magnify Analytic Solutions
- Customized Survival Plot Using ODS Graphics Template Language - Fang Dong, Aastrom Biosciences
- Working With Character Data - Andy Kuligowski, HSN
- Anatomy of a Merge Gone Wrong - Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
- Management of SAS Format Libraries in Simple and Complex Environments - Roger Muller, Data-to-Events
February 2014
- Data Presentation 101: An Analyst's Perspective (slides) - Deanna Chyn & Anca Tilea, University of Michigan
- Beating Gridlock: Parallel Programming with SAS Grid Computing and SAS/CONNECT (slides) - Jack Fuller, Experis
- Using Microsoft Windows DLLs Within SAS Programs (slides) - Rajesh Lal, Experis
- From Retrospective Reporting to Prospective Analytics: A Case Study - David Corliss, Magnify Analytics Solutions
October 2013
- Best Papers of MWSUG 2013 - David Corliss, Marketing Associates
- Macromatic: A Case Study in Building a Macro - Barbara Keys, R.L Polk & Co./IHS
- Highlights of MWSUG 2013
- Best Papers of MWSUG 2013 - David Corliss, Marketing Associates
May 2013
- Executing a PROC from a DATA Step - Jason Secosky, SAS
- Look Out! After SAS/STAT 9.3 Comes SAS/STAT 12.1! - Bob Rodriguez, SAS
- Quick Hits - My Favorite SAS Tricks - Marje Fecht, Prowerk Consulting
- SAS Enterprise Guide 5.1: A Powerful Environment for Programmers, Too! - Marje Fecht, Prowerk Consulting
- What's Hot, What's Not- Skills for SAS Professionals - Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation
- Powerful and Hard to Find PROC SQL Features - Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation
- Adding a Little Magic to Your Joins - Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation
- Mixed Model Analysis with SAS - Kathy Welch, University of Michigan
- Bayesian Analyses Using SAS - Danny Modlin, SAS - co-sponsored by the Ann Arbor Chapter of ASA!
- Perl Regular Expressions in SAS 9.1+ - Practical Applications - Joel Campbell, Advanced Analytics, Inc.
- Using the QUANTLIFE Procedure for Survival Analysis - Bob Rodriguez, SAS
- Getting Started with the DATA Step Hash Object - Jason Secosky, SAS
- A Flock of C-Stats, or Efficiently Computing Multiple Statistics for Hundreds of Variables - Steve Raimi and Bruce Lund, Marketing Associates
- Maximizing the Power of Your Hash Tables - David Corliss, Marketing Associates (Livestream broadcast archive also available)
February 2013
- Implementation of an Actuarial Reserves System - Ignacio Viggers, Database Consultant
- Book Review of SAS Structural Equation Modeling 1.3 for JMP - Brandy Sinco, University of Michigan
- Developing an Analytics Center of Excellence- Chuck Kincaid, Experis
October 2012
- Prove It!: Importance and Methodologies of Validation in Regulated Industries - Chris Hurley, MMS Holdings Inc.
- Using the SAS System to Develop Risk Prediction Models for Patient Re-Admission Reduction in VAMCs -
Issac Shams, Wayne State University - Panel Discussion - Best of MWSUG 2012 - panel discussion led by David Corliss, Marketing Associates
June 2012
coming soon!
coming soon!
October 2011
- Using PROC SQL for Analytics - Benjamin Ben-Baruch, Harry & David
- Get Your Data in Shape with PROC TRANSPOSE - Nancy Brucken, PharmaNet/i3
- Testing for Multivariate Normality Using SAS - Brandy Sinco, University of Michigan School of Social Work
- Fuzzy-Merging Character Fields Through Array Matching on Small Strings - James Warila, USEPA National Vehicle & Fuel Emissions Laboratory
- What's New at MWSUG - panel discussion led by David Corliss, Marketing Associates
May 2011
- PROC REPORT: COMPUTE Block Basics - Art Carpenter, California Occidental Consultants
- Why .1 + .1 May Not Equal .2 and Other Pitfalls of Floating Point Arithmetic - Clarke Thacher, SAS
- The Greatest Hits: ODS Essentials Every User Should Know - Cynthia Zender, SAS
- GRAPH Elements You Should Know- Even If You Don't Use SAS/GRAPH - Art Carpenter, California Occidental
Consultants - Introduction to PROC GLIMMIX (635K zip file includes original slides, and updated slides to match programs
and data) - Kathleen Welch, University of Michigan - Estimating Population Distributions When Some Data Are Below a Limit of Detection by Using a Reverse Kaplan-Meier Estimator - Brenda Gillespie, University of Michigan
- Job Security: Using the Macro Language to Full Advantage - Art Carpenter, California Occidental
Consultants - Dynamical Color Charts - David Corliss, Marketing Associates
- Make Your SAS® Code Environmentally Aware - Using Operating System Environment Variables in SAS - Clarke
Thacher, SAS - SAS Style Templates: Always in Fashion - Cynthia Zender, SAS
- Greenplum's Interoperability with SAS - Michael Harris, EMC Data Computing Division
February 2011
- Tables As Trees: Merging with Wildcards Using Tree Traversal and Pruning - Matt Nizol, United BioSource Corporation
- Ready, Set, Retain, and Then Maybe Reset (1M zip file includes slides and paper) - Lisa Fine, United BioSource Corporation
- Consumer Data Analytics: The Good, the Bad, and the Possibly Deceptive - Ted Lang, SAS and William Neafsey, Ford Motor Company
- Setting Up a Different Windows Environment for Each SAS Project (1.2M zip file includes slides and paper) - Phil Wright, University of Michigan
- Book Review of Output Delivery System: The Basics and Beyond - Lauren Haworth, Cynthia Zender and Michele Burlew, Matt Shevrin, Thomson Reuters
- Book Review of Survival Analysis Using SAS, 2nd Edition by Paul D. Allison (slides) - Brandy Sinco, University of Michigan
- Book Review of JMP Essentials. An Illustrated Step-by-Step Guide for New Users by Curt Hinrichs and Chuck Boiler (slides) - Anamaria Kazanis, ASKSTATS Consulting
September 2010
- Survival Analysis: Overview of Parametric, Nonparametric and Semiparametric Approaches with SAS Software (slides) (paper) - Joseph Gardiner, Michigan State University
- Eliminating Redundant Custom Formats (or How to Really Take Advantage of PROC SQL, PROC CATALOG, and the DATA Step) (slides) (paper) - Phil Wright, University of Michigan
- Estimation of Adherence to Antipsychotic and Diabetic Medications in a Sample of Schizophrenia Patients (slides) (paper) - Venky Chakravarthy, BioPharma Data Services
- Book Review of A Step-by-Step Approach to Using SAS for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling - Larry Hatcher, Barry DeCicco, University of Michigan (slides)
April 2010
- PROC TABULATE: Getting Started and Doing More - Art Carpenter, California Occidental Consultants
- Simple Tests of Hypotheses for the Non-statistician: What They Are and Why They Can Go Bad - Art Carpenter, California Occidental Consultants
- Programming for Job Security: Maximize Your Indispensability - Become a Specialist - Art Carpenter, California Occidental Consultants
- Scalability of Table Look-up Techniques - Rick Langston, SAS
- Creating SAS Data Sets from HTML Table Definitions - Rick Langston, SAS
- An Introduction to Creating Multi-Sheet Microsoft Excel Workbooks the Easy Way with SAS - Vince DelGobbo, SAS
- Enhancements to PROC PHREG (Survival Analysis) in SAS 9.2 - Brenda Gillespie, University of Michigan
- Great Graphics Using PROC SGPLOT, PROC SGSCATTER and ODS Graphics for SAS/STAT Procedures - Kathleen Welch, University of Michigan
Past Proceedings
- March 2003
- November 2002
- September 2002
- April 2002
- March 2002
- June 2001
- April 2001
- December 2000