An Introduction to SAS Arrays - Andrew Kuligowski, HSN
So, you’ve heard about SAS® arrays, but are not sure when – or why – you would use them. This presentation will provide the attendee / reader with a background in SAS arrays, from an explanation as to what occurs during compile time through to their programmatic use, and will include a discussion regarding how DO-loops and macro variables can enhance array usability. Specific examples, including Fahrenheit to Celsius temperature conversion, salary adjustments, and data transposition / counting will assist the user with effective use of SAS arrays in their own work, and provide a few caveats as to their usage, as well.
About the Presenter
Andrew T. Kuligowski has been a SAS user for over 25 years – WELL over. Currently the Manager of CRM Data Infrastructure at HSN in St. Petersburg, he has augmented his professional coding experiences in the retail, media, insurance, and petrochemical fields by speaking at various SAS conferences and user group meetings. Andrew was conference chair of SAS Global Forum 2012 in Orlando, and co-chair for SESUG’97 in Jacksonville and Tennessee SAS Users Day in Knoxville. In his spare time, Andrew volunteers at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa.