PROC SQL Programming: The Basics and Beyond
This course teaches SAS users core concepts and features about accessing data
stored in SAS data sets. Attendees learn how to use PROC SQL to access data;
accomplish essential programming tasks including retrieving, subsetting,
ordering, and grouping data; construct logic scenarios with case expressions;
explore one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many data relationships; understand
the similarities and differences between DATA step merges and joins; create
complex queries using inner and outer join constructs as well as with set
operators; use summary (statistical) functions to aggregate data; create new
tables; produce "quality" looking output using PROC SQL options with Output
Delivery System (ODS); and interface PROC SQL with the macro facility to create
single-value and multi-value (list) macro variables.
Intended Audience: All SAS and SQL users
Prerequisites: SAS Essentials course or 6-months SAS software experience
Intended Audience: All SAS and SQL users
Prerequisites: SAS Essentials course or 6-months SAS software experience
Best Practice Programming Techniques Using SAS Software
This course provides SAS users with a comprehensive overview of programming
conventions, guidelines and techniques when using the Base SAS software. Core
concepts and examples are illustrated to ensure that code is readable, clearly
written, understandable, structured, portable, and maintainable. Attendees learn
how to apply good programming techniques including implementing naming
conventions for datasets, variables, programs and libraries; code appearance and
structure using modular design, logic scenarios, controlled loops, subroutines
and embedded control flow; code compatibility and portability across
applications and operating platforms; developing readable code and program
documentation; applying statements, options and definitions to achieve the
greatest advantage in the program environment; and implementing program
generality into code to enable its continued operation with little or no
Intended Audience: All SAS users
Prerequisites: SAS Essentials course or 6-months SAS software experience
Intended Audience: All SAS users
Prerequisites: SAS Essentials course or 6-months SAS software experience
About the Instructor
Kirk Paul Lafler is consultant and founder of Software Intelligence Corporation and has been programming in SAS since 1979. He is a SAS Certified Professional and provider of IT consulting services and training to SAS users around the world. As an author of five books including PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics Using SAS, Second Edition (SAS Institute. Spring 2013) and PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics Using SAS (SAS Institute. 20004), he has written more than five hundred papers and articles, been an Invited speaker at three hundred-plus SAS International, regional, special-interest, local, and in-house user group conferences/meetings, and is the recipient of 22 “Best” contributed paper, hands-on workshop (HOW), and poster awards. His popular SAS Tips column, “Kirk’s Korner of Quick and Simple Tips”, appears regularly in several SAS User Group newsletters and Web sites, and his fun-filled SASword Puzzles are featured in and many SAS Newsletters.