Automated DSMB Presentation in SAS: Yeah, I'd Submit That! How to Auto Populate PowerPoint Presentations So You Don't Have To - Brett Jepson and Kaitie Lawson, Rho, Inc.
Data & Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) members are increasingly requesting high-level overview presentations to assess the current status of a study in lieu of lengthy binders. When multiple studies report to the same DSMB, a certain level of standardization across presentations is desirable to facilitate ease in understanding and familiarity with the presentation format for the DSMB members. Manually entering text and data into a presentation is tedious and is subject to transcription errors. By utilizing ODS POWERPOINT, the ODSTEXT and ODSLIST procedures, and a series of other familiar SAS® procedures, we have created a suite of SAS macros that automatically populate presentations, therefore eliminating the need to manually enter data. These SAS macros allow for presentations conforming to a general template to be created in a standardized manner which saves time, ensures data accuracy and integrity, and provides continuity in data presentation to DSMB members.
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