Keyboard Macros - The Most Magical Tool You May Never Have Heard Of - You Will Never Program the Same Again (It's That Amazing!) - Steven Black
Stop cutting and pasting old code into new programs, stop worrying about forgetting or misplacing really neat code, let SAS remember it for you! All through the use of Keyboard Macros! The term Keyboard macro is a mild
misnomer as they are not really macros or at least not in the way that most SAS programmers think of macros. They should really be called Keyboard Rememberalls. Except they actually tell you what you forgot and they can hold all of your secret, and not so secret, code. The title may be an exaggeration but I have found these to really speed up my programming.
In this paper I will demonstrate how to create, use, and transfer keyboard macros. I will also discuss a few of the
more in-depth aspects of Keyboard Macros with the intent that the reader will use and make them a part of their
programming repertoire.
misnomer as they are not really macros or at least not in the way that most SAS programmers think of macros. They should really be called Keyboard Rememberalls. Except they actually tell you what you forgot and they can hold all of your secret, and not so secret, code. The title may be an exaggeration but I have found these to really speed up my programming.
In this paper I will demonstrate how to create, use, and transfer keyboard macros. I will also discuss a few of the
more in-depth aspects of Keyboard Macros with the intent that the reader will use and make them a part of their
programming repertoire.
About the Presenter
Steve Black has been programming in SAS for the last 15 years. He has presented at several regional and national SAS conferences. He enjoys finding new ways of incorporating SAS into his daily work routines, and helping others increase in their SAS knowledge and skill. When he's not working, Steve enjoys building furniture in his garage and hanging out with his family. Steve currently works for Agility Clinical Inc. in sunny Carlsbad California